Discover the island of Pianosa, setting out from the 4-star Désirée Hotel on Elba Island

Outings and adventures in the heart of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park

For short stays on Elba Island, Désirée Hotel offers one-day trips to the island of Pianosa, a former penal colony and a treasure trove of biodiversity. The distinctive characteristics of this islet and the sea around it have earned Pianosa the protection of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park.

One of the islet’s main features, from which its name is derived, is that it is almost completely flat (piano in Italian), making it easy to explore both on foot and by mountain bike.
It is almost completely uninhabited, and nature is the undisputed ruler of the islet. Stretches of sandy coastline and cliffs, protected by Mediterranean shrub, provide rare sea birds such as Audouin’s gull and the peregrine falcon with a quiet nesting environment.
The unspoilt rocky seabeds around the island are the ideal habitat for a large variety of fish, including dreamfish, dentex, red mullet and sea bream, as well as lobster, amberjack and grouper. Since 2013, this paradise can be explored with diving sessions regulated by the National Park.

The biodiversity and history of Pianosa

A unique place, embraced by nature

Moving away from the coast, it’s not uncommon to have a magical close encounter with dolphins, loggerhead turtles and the more timid monk seals.
Another interesting aspect of Pianosa, in addition to its rich nature, is the islet’s ancient and more modern history, of which traces can be observed that include the ancient ruins of Roman baths and early Christian catacombs, as well as a maximum-security prison. Pianosa is famous for having been a penal colony from 1856 to 2011. Inmates that served part of their sentences here included Sandro Pertini and mafia members that played a part in the terrorist attack on Falcone and Borsellino.
Désirée Hotel will be happy to provide guests with full details on the best way to reach Pianosa and spend a quiet day exploring the island.

Experience Elba island with Désirée Hotel

Choose from the wide range of activities offered by the hotel and explore the sights, traditions, history and culture, and the biodiversity-filled nature of Elba and the Tuscan Archipelago.
Shape your holiday according to your needs.

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    Sogear s.r.l.

    Loc. Spartaia – 57030 Procchio – Marciana – Isola d’Elba (LI)
    Tel. +39 0565 907311 Fax +39 0565 907884
    Company Register Office Livorno
    Registration number 00158410498
    Company capital Euro 416,000.00


    The company declares that it has received aid from public administrations that must be published in the ‘National Register of State Aid’. Any information concerning the same may be found by accessing the transparency section of the ‘National Register of State Aid’, by connecting to the following web page:



    On the island of Elba, summer continues…
    Book your stay at Hotel Désirée, for the whole month of September the rates are discounted by 30%

    Vivi le esperienze all'Isola d'Elba con Hotel Désirée

    Scegli tra la vasta gamma di attività offerte dall’Hotel ed esplora i luoghi, le tradizioni, la storia e cultura e la natura colma di biodiversità d’Elba e dell’Arcipelago Toscano.
    Plasma la tua vacanza secondo le tue esigenze.

      Leggi la PRIVACY POLICY.


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      Sogear s.r.l.

      Loc. Spartaia – 57030 Procchio – Marciana – Isola d’Elba (LI)
      Tel. +39 0565 907311 Fax +39 0565 907884
      Ufficio del registro Imprese di Livorno
      Numero di iscrizione 00158410498
      Capitale societario Euro 416.000,00