Spartaia Bay, access to the sea of Elba Island reserved for Désirée Hotel

A secluded beach with extra-fine sand, ideal for couples and families

Spartaia Bay is a secluded stretch of coastline with fine white sand, lapped by water with colours shifting from turquoise to emerald. Désirée Hotel guests have reserved access to the bay.
The name probably derives from esparto grass, which typically grows on sandy beaches and whose fibres were once used to make ropes and mats.
This little creek measuring 160 metres is set between two cliffs of the larger Gulf of Procchio. Behind it is a hill covered with lush Mediterranean vegetation, which rolls down to the inlet and shelters it from winds and inclement weather, making this place a little strip of heaven on earth.
With shallow waters and a sandy seabed until several metres from the coast, it’s also suitable for children and families looking to spend a peaceful day at the sea.

The beach, a perfect place from which to explore Elba Island

Explore the gulf under and over the water

The rocky cliff walls of the Gulf are home to a large variety of fascinating sea creatures, such as sponges, octopuses, lobsters and starfish, which you can admire with dedicated underwater routes thanks to the snorkelling and diving activities offered by Désirée Hotel along with the Procchio Diving Center.

The splendid coastline the bay is set into reveals all its magnetism on the surface too, and can be admired during a relaxing tour in a dinghy that can be hired directly from the lido of Désirée Hotel. From here, you can venture into the nearby Lamaia or Cotoncello bays, completely immersed in the surrounding vegetation, for a taste of the nature of Elba at its wildest.


Sogear s.r.l.

Loc. Spartaia – 57030 Procchio – Marciana – Isola d’Elba (LI)
Tel. +39 0565 907311 Fax +39 0565 907884
Company Register Office Livorno
Registration number 00158410498
Company capital Euro 416,000.00


The company declares that it has received aid from public administrations that must be published in the ‘National Register of State Aid’. Any information concerning the same may be found by accessing the transparency section of the ‘National Register of State Aid’, by connecting to the following web page:



On the island of Elba, summer continues…
Book your stay at Hotel Désirée, for the whole month of September the rates are discounted by 30%

Vivi le esperienze all'Isola d'Elba con Hotel Désirée

Scegli tra la vasta gamma di attività offerte dall’Hotel ed esplora i luoghi, le tradizioni, la storia e cultura e la natura colma di biodiversità d’Elba e dell’Arcipelago Toscano.
Plasma la tua vacanza secondo le tue esigenze.

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    Sogear s.r.l.

    Loc. Spartaia – 57030 Procchio – Marciana – Isola d’Elba (LI)
    Tel. +39 0565 907311 Fax +39 0565 907884
    Ufficio del registro Imprese di Livorno
    Numero di iscrizione 00158410498
    Capitale societario Euro 416.000,00