Désirée Hotel 4 stars Elba Island

Where we are

Désirée Hotel is located in a convenient position on Elba Island, within easy reach of the island’s main attractions and some of its largest towns.

The hotel is:

  • 10 km from Portoferraio
  • 1 km from Procchio
  • 6 km from Marciana Marina and from Marina di Campo
  • 4 km from La Pila airport

How to get here

If you’re coming to Désirée Hotel by car, you can book a ferry here or at Traghetti Lines. Contact us to receive a discount code for 20% off Moby and Toremar prices (taxes excluded). You can reach the hotel from Portoferraio by driving along the SP24 road for 15 minutes in the direction of Procchio.

On request, Désirée Hotel will be pleased to provide guests with a transfer service from the airport to the hotel.


Hotel Désirée - Sogear s.r.l
Loc. Spartaia
57030 Procchio - Marciana

Front Office Manager/Bookings:
Purchasing Office: 
Certified Email:





    Désirée Hotel is Pet Friendly

    Useful information

    Désirée Hotel is proud to be Pet Friendly.
    We are happy to host pets, who will be welcomed with care by hotel staff. The charge for pets is €30 per day.
    Pets are permitted in the pool area and in all the common areas, with the exception of the Restaurant.
    During periods when the panoramic restaurant is open, an area will be reserved for them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    On the hotel’s private beach, pets can be hosted below the beach umbrellas in the row furthest from the sea, and in accordance with the order issued by the Port Captaincy, they may enjoy a dip in the sea between the hours of 7.30 p.m. and 8.30 a.m.


    Sogear s.r.l.

    Loc. Spartaia – 57030 Procchio – Marciana – Isola d’Elba (LI)
    Tel. +39 0565 907311 Fax +39 0565 907884
    Company Register Office Livorno
    Registration number 00158410498
    Company capital Euro 416,000.00


    The company declares that it has received aid from public administrations that must be published in the ‘National Register of State Aid’. Any information concerning the same may be found by accessing the transparency section of the ‘National Register of State Aid’, by connecting to the following web page: www.rna.gov.it.

    Vivi le esperienze all'Isola d'Elba con Hotel Désirée

    Scegli tra la vasta gamma di attività offerte dall’Hotel ed esplora i luoghi, le tradizioni, la storia e cultura e la natura colma di biodiversità d’Elba e dell’Arcipelago Toscano.
    Plasma la tua vacanza secondo le tue esigenze.

      Leggi la PRIVACY POLICY.


      L’azienda dichiara di aver percepito aiuti da parte di pubbliche amministrazioni oggetto di obbligo di pubblicazione nell’ambito del “Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato”. Ogni notizia inerente agli stessi potrà essere reperita accedendo alla sezione trasparenza del “Registro Nazionale Aiuti di Stato”, collegandosi alla seguente pagina web: www.rna.gov.it.


      Sogear s.r.l.

      Loc. Spartaia – 57030 Procchio – Marciana – Isola d’Elba (LI)
      Tel. +39 0565 907311 Fax +39 0565 907884
      Ufficio del registro Imprese di Livorno
      Numero di iscrizione 00158410498
      Capitale societario Euro 416.000,00